Einstein Ville Admission
Einstein Ville Admission
Registration Policy
Enrollment occurs year round. Children are accepted in programs based on their age, current academic level and which group has an opening.
Priority is given to children on the Waiting List in the date order of application submitted. Every attempt is made to secure a fair process for admission for all children.
Admission Process
If you're interested in joining Einstein Ville Center, we welcome you to visit our facility. Our typical tour lasts about ½ hour including an observation of the class in session and an introduction meeting with our Director and/or Manager. Please fill out the Tour request form to get started. A member from Einstein Ville Center will contact you via email or phone call to confirm the meeting as soon as possible.
The visit is for your child to meet with the teachers and friends. An assessment / consultation will take place right after the tour to help us determine which program(s) is best fit for your child. The Application process will start immediately afterward.
If there is no space currently available at the moment, we will place a space on the Waiting List. Waiting list application requires a $60 deductible fee. Later, if there are openings and parents take a space offered, the $60 fee will be deducted from the 2nd month of the tuition fee.
Enrollment Process
All required application documents including immunization records, physician's physical exam along with mandated state licensing forms must be completed and submitted prior to placement in the program to ensure health and safety of all of our hildren in the classroom.
There is a $80 non-refundable enrollment fee for each child enrolled in the program. The first full month tuition fee must be deposited before a date is given for actual enrollment. Siblings must apply under separate accounts with individual records. There is 10% discount for siblings enrolled in any of Einstein Ville programs.
Tuition Policy
Tuition fee is based on the number of days enrolled in the program(s) and not charged by the number of days in attendance. There is no credit given for absent days including days missed due to illness or vacations. Tuition fee does not include holiday breaks when the center is not in session. Parents will be charged $1 per minute for early drop off and late pick up periods and $5 per day for late tuition payment.